How to Protect Your Teen/Young Adult From Brain Washing, Social Media, and the Woke Agenda…
Starting This Thursday at 7pm CT (8pm ET/ 6pm MT/ 5pm PT)
Our youth is under attack.
A lot of teens and young adults have become radicalized into believing that they should feel guilty for being straight, white, or their natural gender. They also believe that the older generations were taught racist and sexist ideals.
Eric is a young adult, and a freedom fighter that has seen this brainwashing firsthand. This inspired him to teach critical thinking skills and emotional discipline to youth.
In the class Eric will share his story, as well as the lessons that he learned which allowed him to see through the brain washing going on.
And if you register for the free class today, Eric will also give you a PDF document on how you can teach these important life skills to the youth in your life, without getting the “dreaded eye roll”.