Month 1 – Self Awareness/Identity
Month 2 – The Words You Use & How They Effect Your Reality
Month 3 – Emotional Awareness/Discipline
Month 4 – The Importance of Being a Skeptic
Month 5 – Modern Dangers Of the Internet
Month 6 – How To Spot Media/Big Tech Manipulation
Answer: Generally speaking, I designed my content for people in their teens all the way up to their mid twenties. But, I believe that 10-13 year olds can follow along and learn as well. If the youth in your life is in the 10-13 age range, I would recommend giving them a closer level of attention when discussing the conversations brought up in the classes.
I tried to create my trainings in a way that is entertaining, and light, that way both teens and young adults can enjoy them. I am 25, and I think that these trainings are still essential for people even in my age range.
Answer: No, my trainings teach valuable life lessons for both genders. My experience through life has obviously been a male one, but the topics I teach apply to everyone.
Answer: The goal of my trainings was to create something that the youth will actually enjoy. Just by joining my newsletter, I will send you a document about how I would approach the youth in your life about a topic like this.
I think this document will prove very handy, regardless of if you join my program or not.
Answer: No, not at all. In fact, one of the main reasons I created this is because I think it is immoral to push social and cultural views on the youth. Those conversations should be had between the youth and their families.
My program is designed to be an aid, for you! So you can teach them powerful critical thinking skills, and emotional discipline skills without someone else pushing an outside agenda on them.
My program is designed specifically to teach the youth HOW to think, instead of WHAT to think.
It’s like the old saying: “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a day. Teach a Man to Fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Our youth needs to learn common sense, self-awareness, critical thinking, and emotional discipline. Without these skills they will be susceptible to manipulation.
Answer: It depends on what you think qualifies someone. I did not go to school for psychology. I do not have any degrees in this area. But I went through these experiences firsthand and I see what my friends and peers are going through.
I have dedicated my life to bettering myself, seeing through manipulation, and searching for truth. My end goal is to try to help as many youth as I can with what I have learned.
Answer: Not at all. Once again, I do not think it is my place to influence the youth in this regard. I do not give any medical advice.
I have personal experiences and anecdotes that make me skeptical about pharmaceuticals, but I believe that this conversation should happen at home with the family.