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After School Talks

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Month 1 – Self Awareness/Identity

  • The simple visualization trick that made me realize I was going down the wrong path(And how I used it to find out my dreamstate of mind)

  • The difference between firsthand learning and secondhand learning (and how you can grow exponentially with secondhand learning).

  • The importance of having a strong identity that you can rely on.

Month 2 – The Words You Use & How They Effect Your Reality

  • The real life cheat codeI discovered about my inner monologue, and how I used it to create the life of my dreams.

  • The danger of totalities, and the danger of Forever.

  • The most important relationship in your life.

  • The key to a calm, collected, and confident attitude that will carry you through life.

Month 3 – Emotional Awareness/Discipline

  • How a Marshmallow experiment from the 70s changed my perception of emotions.

  • My movie theatretrick that teaches you the power of detachment.

  • A simple plan to never fall victim to heat of the momentemotions.

  • The power of emotional assessment, and how to respond to life logically, instead of reacting to it emotionally.

Month 4 – The Importance of Being a Skeptic

  • Why being agreeable is one of the biggest mistakes you can make growing up. (And how to think for yourself).

  • The Fake Police Officerstory that cost people their lives.

  • The real reason why people become yes-men, and why that will limit your life, relationships, and career growth.

Month 5 – Modern Dangers Of the Internet 

  • The biggest mistakes I made online (that no adults warned me about).

  • How echo chambers can reinforce confirmation bias, and lead to false knowledge.

  • The internet is foreverstories that ruined parts of my friends lives.

  • The #1 thing you should never do (and how the internet can have very real consequences).

Month 6 – How To Spot Media/Big Tech Manipulation

  • The TikTok memethat made me quit social media all together.

  • A simple test to see how well the algorithm knows you (And to see if it is actively trying to manipulate you).

  • The real reason why AI was created (And no, it was not to make funny pictures, or perform simple tasks).

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Recommended by renowned freedom fighters...

"Eric is wise beyond his years, and a great leader of the youth. The world needs more young people like Eric that really understand what is going on."

Chris Heaven (CEO of Survival Dispatch) says…

"There are few young people today who understand the real challenges facing our society, and even fewer who are doing anything about it.
If we had a million young people like Eric, the future would look very different. It is my hope and belief that Eric and others like him will become our future leaders, be that in government, media, or society. Leaders who respect the rights of the people, and who understand why we must have government of the majority, by the majority, and for the majority."

Will Dove (Founder of Iron Will Report) says…

"As a father and a grandfather, I’m deeply worried about how easy it is for predators, hackers, scammers, greedy advertisers, and even invasive government overwatch programs to target our children through their online activities.
After School Talks finally gives us the tools to work with our children to empower them with taking independent charge of their own security... while giving us parents and grandparents the peace-of-mind to sleep easy at night."

Jeff Anderson (Founder of Warrior Life) says…

Frequently Asked Questions...

Q. What age group do you recommend for your trainings?

Answer: Generally speaking, I designed my content for people in their teens all the way up to their mid twenties. But, I believe that 10-13 year olds can follow along and learn as well. If the youth in your life is in the 10-13 age range, I would recommend giving them a closer level of attention when discussing the conversations brought up in the classes.

I tried to create my trainings in a way that is entertaining, and light, that way both teens and young adults can enjoy them. I am 25, and I think that these trainings are still essential for people even in my age range.

Q. Are your trainings specifically for boys?

Answer: No, my trainings teach valuable life lessons for both genders. My experience through life has obviously been a male one, but the topics I teach apply to everyone.

Q. How can I convince my kids to take this seriously?

Answer: The goal of my trainings was to create something that the youth will actually enjoy. Just by joining my newsletter, I will send you a document about how I would approach the youth in your life about a topic like this.

I think this document will prove very handy, regardless of if you join my program or not.

Q. Do you try to push your viewpoints on the youth?

Answer: No, not at all. In fact, one of the main reasons I created this is because I think it is immoral to push social and cultural views on the youth. Those conversations should be had between the youth and their families.

My program is designed to be an aid, for you! So you can teach them powerful critical thinking skills, and emotional discipline skills without someone else pushing an outside agenda on them.

My program is designed specifically to teach the youth HOW to think, instead of WHAT to think.

It’s like the old saying: “Give a Man a Fish, and You Feed Him for a day. Teach a Man to Fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

Our youth needs to learn common sense, self-awareness, critical thinking, and emotional discipline. Without these skills they will be susceptible to manipulation.

Q. Are you qualified to teach this?

Answer: It depends on what you think qualifies someone. I did not go to school for psychology. I do not have any degrees in this area. But I went through these experiences firsthand and I see what my friends and peers are going through.

I have dedicated my life to bettering myself, seeing through manipulation, and searching for truth. My end goal is to try to help as many youth as I can with what I have learned.

Q. Am I giving medical advice when it comes to pharmaceuticals or mental illness?

Answer: Not at all. Once again, I do not think it is my place to influence the youth in this regard. I do not give any medical advice.

I have personal experiences and anecdotes that make me skeptical about  pharmaceuticals, but I believe that this conversation should happen at home with the family.

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