Thank you for your interest in working together.
It doesn’t matter what subject matter you usually talk about, freedom lovers want to protect their youth from this MALICIOUS Woke Brainwashing that is taking place.
It’s a really hot-button issue right now.
We have worked hard to create a great program, that is designed specifically for rebuilding the nuclear family, and teaching our youth critical thinking and emotional discipline.
What We Do
After Schools Talks is an on-going training that is designed to assist parents, guardians, and grandparents in teaching their teenagers and young adults how to grow into strong, independent, free-thinking people. Instead of teaching them WHAT to think, it’s designed to teach them HOW to think.
Because both logic and common sense, are the woke agenda’s kryptonite.
Who We Are Looking To Partner With...
If you are an email marketer who has a strong relationship with your audience, we want to partner with you. It doesn’t matter what your primary topic is, this issue is universal.
Our target demographic is parents, grandparents, and other freedom fighters with youth in their lives.
We also work with affiliates on platforms other than email.
How It Works...
- Our primary method of promotion is via an exclusive educational webinar to your audience. By promoting a short term event you can generate an excitement that results in considerably more sales than if you were just to promote an evergreen product. And most of our affiliates promote every quarter.
- The webinar is an educational class and is not a one-hour sales pitch. The webinar teaches 1) Why this Generation is Different Than Any Before 2) What I Learned Growing Up In This Age 3) 5 Lessons That All Teens/Young Adults Need to Learn Today! 4) How to Teach Teens/Young Adults Without Getting an “Eye Roll” 5) Q/A
- At the end of the class, we tell them how they can take the next step, and we do a short commercial for the course. There is absolutely no pressure to join.
- Attendees to our webinar receive a 50% off coupon for a lifetime membership if they sign up within the 4-day promotional period (the replay is up during this time).
- We take care of all aspects of the webinar. Your role is simply to get as many people as possible to the webinar.
- We will provide you with recommended email templates (with links) to send to your audience. It’s best if you customize the email with your own message, tone and even your own stories.
- You will receive 45% of the revenue from sign-ups for each person who joins. (For the educational class, we promote the annual offer only, commission is paid for the first year only).